
How to Generate Business Ideas at The Speed of Light!

This is apparently my first post in the year 2014 and its going to be brief and very concise too. In this article, I will show you the secret to generating more business ideas than you can probably handle all by yourself.

This is the secret used by many of the wealthy people in our society to generate massive amount of income than the average man ever though possible.

I will like to start this post with a story of one of the world's most famous and excited entrepreneur; Richard Branson.

One fateful day, he had to travel to another part of the country to see a girl on some Island. Unfortunately the last flight for the was cancelled which meant that he might not be able see the girl with whom he had an appointment. At this point, the average individual would easily retire to the safety of excuses. However, this was not so for this entrepreneur, he simply went over to talk the management about chatering a plane and his request was granted. ...To Be Continued

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